With the dawn of each new found day my mind disappears into a world of it's own mixing two worlds together, reality and fantasy. This blog will be just a short step along the path with me, it may at times divide into one realm or another, only can you tel
IceTippedTears's Articles » Page 2
June 13, 2004 by IceTippedTears
Eternity, a state of eternal existence, do we really become eternal once our time here is done. Certain religions believe so but what about personal thought? Situations and objects throughout life are very rarely going to last for an eternity, a million words of undeniable love have been uttered over the years, generations, such promises of loving for an eternity but have they really truly ever lasted? If the people in question were to look back ten years later would they still have tha...
June 13, 2004 by IceTippedTears
Fate, a course of events that will inevitably happen in the future, the path of circumstances that are designated from the beginning. The question many pose is, is it possible to change our fate, to take our future into our own hands and slightly lead the path of stubbornness and routine into another direction? Many different people through all walks of life believe that our destinies are set in stone and that we are to be what is due to come, live in the situations that are set before ...
June 13, 2004 by IceTippedTears
Hello there, Up until recently I was blogging elsewhere but was finding that the traffic passing through was practically non existant so I decided that now was a good time to change. I shall be posting entries here of my thoughts, ramblings, poetry, extracts from the fiction book I am writing which is a mix of paranormal, folklore and history. I do also write childrens stories, poetry and erotica, depending on which mood I may be in. I'm hoping that I manage to settle here for a while...