Fate, a course of events that will inevitably happen in the future, the path of circumstances that are designated from the beginning. The question many pose is, is it possible to change our fate, to take our future into our own hands and slightly lead the path of stubbornness and routine into another direction?
Many different people through all walks of life believe that our destinies are set in stone and that we are to be what is due to come, live in the situations that are set before us and just accept.
Is it possible to accept and be free? In my opinion, yes it is possible to accept our fate and be free but will we ever really be truly happy, will we ever just make the right decisions and assume that is it, the end of our choice.
Can we suddenly stop one day and just say Okay today I'm going to take control, do what I wish to do, not what others think I must do, of course it is possible, changing your own fate may change your destiny for the better but it may also go in another direction, those are the chances that we take each and every day without sometimes even realising it. Will our lives be incomplete?
Who genuinely knows, but if you wish for something, have always put a certain thought aside then tomorrow is a new day, why not take that chance, what have you to truly lose and even if you lose do they outweigh the gains?
I know my life right now is like a balance I am stuck in the middle, straight, level with no fear of falling but I am forever tempted by that little sin to my right that calls out to me, wanting me to just tip slightly in it's direction and in all honesty that temptation is going to overtake me sometime soon, am I scared?
No, on the contrary I am excited by what is coming, what should never really be there, what is forbidden and what I know is going to change my fate pushing me gently from the path of life just an inch, but that inch may just be enough to change my life...