With the dawn of each new found day my mind disappears into a world of it's own mixing two worlds together, reality and fantasy. This blog will be just a short step along the path with me, it may at times divide into one realm or another, only can you tel
Published on February 24, 2005 By IceTippedTears In Misc
As the pinkest petal begins to uncurl from the storm my love overflows

with the dew drop rain,

it tumbles to the moistened grass and slivers along the land seeking the


the winds of the west had carried my love as tears I did weep, before

they shattered upon the palest cheek,

through the greyest sky my love travelled far and settled here upon the

silkiest stem where it dropped to the ground...

and continued searching...

It continues to search for the one who cares, twisting new paths,

my love knows it's equal is out upon the widest lands,

hidden in the farthest corners of the world,

it does not give up hope, she keeps on yearning...

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