With the dawn of each new found day my mind disappears into a world of it's own mixing two worlds together, reality and fantasy. This blog will be just a short step along the path with me, it may at times divide into one realm or another, only can you tel
Published on March 17, 2011 By IceTippedTears In Personal Relationships

It has been a very long time since I last used this blog, I had forgotten it.  The sands of time had slipped through my fingers and reading back on the previous posts they reminded me of emotional times. 

During the 2004/2005 years I went through alot of heartache and change. 

6 years later and here I am.

I have moved country, I have married and I am settled. The previous posts on here were based around 2 people, they are still lurking in the background of my life and the shadows to my heart but I do believe that they always will.

Some people are just meant to be.  Be in your life, be in your heart and I accept that now.  I no longer ache, cry or fear that they won't be there, they just are.

What comes next, I don't know, my muse has been gone for so long but I do feel the need to write.  Please bear with me.



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