If you were to be the opposite of all I wish would my mind control my body and do as I bid.
If the body was not a permanent object could I take another form, would my senses stop and forbid?
Were you to be the desert, could I become the sea...could our boundaries form one, the chill of the salt water touching the heat of the sand setting it floating free?
Were you to be the sky, could I become a cloud...simply passing our days in the same space, my trailing wisper gently tickling the carefree depths of blue seeking nothing but the quiet company of you.
Were you to be the sun, setting slowly upon the lonely horizon could I become the moon...waiting in the distance to change a friendly hello, ask how your day was and let you shine now in the darkness I just left below.
If you were to be the rain could I become your rainbow, once you have cried over the land of this wonderful earth , my colourful arc could be seen by those you have just cried upon my kaleidoscope of colours running through their head making you forget your sadness we fade together.
If you were to be the sea could I become your salt...keeping you healthy and pure throughout the years, never dissolving of this love without which their could be tears.
Were you to be a flower could I become your stem, supporting you with each bend as you share your perfect perfume that the world admires, I admire you in the shadows.
Were you to be a bird could I become a feather...helping you in your journey, pushing you along the way, free upon the breeze until you rest where I will then know my job is done.
If we were to become human again, to take on this form that stops us from seeing the world from another point of view, could I take your hand and with love and knowledge try to walk the path and understand, together where our destiny lies. Whatever we are meant to be I'm glad I can always have you beside me, opposites may attract but if the heart is open love can rule without a fact.